The 30A Songwriters Festival brings together hundreds of artists, dozens of venues and resorts, and thousands of music fans to celebrate the art of songwriting along the beaches of Walton County, Florida. Come experience the premier songwriters festival in the country at our venue! This is exclusively ticketed event. Arrive early. Limited seating.
Friday 06:00PM Jennifer Lynn Simpson & Megan Burtt
Friday 07:30PM Sara Jean Kelley & Caitlin Cannon
Friday 09:00PM The Rough & Tumble
Saturday 06:00PM Sara Hells & Clare Cunningham
Saturday 07:30PM Sammi Accola & Heather Mae
Saturday 09:00PM Uncle Dave Griffin & Webb Wilder
Sunday 06:00PM The Mosleys
Sunday 07:15PM Kurtis John & Casey Levasseur
Sunday 08:30PM Kyle Lamonica & Meaghan Farrell